Requirements for “Whole Body Cooperating to One Line of Energy”

Whenever Sensei was teaching a seminar he used to describe karate technique: “the whole body must cooperate to one direction”, or “even (if) one finger moves, feet make top technique.”, than he used to say “total energy must be delivered in shortest amount of time”, or else he used to say: “karate is not arms and legs training but whole body training.”

What are the conditions required for the whole body to cooperate effectively to one line of energy in order to make Todome (finishing blow)?

Optimal posture – moving from optimal posture and keeping optimal posture dynamically.

An optimal posture can be defined as the neuro-muculo-skeletal relationships which optimize joint motion and muscular action, trigger automatic stabilizing activity and minimize structural stress on the body.

Body center on top of base of support Efficiency of using ground reaction forces, which means optimal stance and its use.

All action is reaction, indirect power.

Main power is from body center (using ground reaction). Body center is intention and action center. Intention and breath control power from body center by means of body dynamics and muscles action.

Sequence and timing of body segments. Each segment achieve maximum velocity and than next distal segment moves to achieve maximal total amount of energy.

If a segment moves too soon, such as arm before body action, than body action energy is lost. If each segment is not used to its full range, than total amount of energy is smaller. In basic technique we would like to move through the full range, but in application we must make best use within available space.

Joint as action center

Each joint serve as a fix point to allow maximum transfer of energy, and to allow optimal use of the muscles in next segment (muscles need stable base for optimal contraction).

Linkage between body segments Connection between all body segments to avoid leak of energy.

Rate of muscles contraction Maximum muscles contraction at shortest time to technique line of energy (the necessary muscles for the purpose) at kime and total relaxation (due amount of tension) in between action.

What said above gives us the right image, but to be more precise “the right amount of activation at the right time”.

Functional range and mobility Restricted motion in one joint will cause compensation and over use in another.


This has few implications, we must have balance between stability and fluidity, stability is not rigidity but rather firmness and mobility is not collapse or motion without direction. Firmness allows for fluent movement and transition and transfer of energy.

The small muscles around the sacrum and lumbar spine have to activate reflexively and subconsciously before any kick or punch to stabilize the low spine so it can provide a base from which we deliver energy from, and also to allow force transfer through the sacrum from the legs to the arms and vice versa. This stability also reduces stresses on the spine. We cannot talk about moving from the body center if the sacrum and lumbar are not stable.
Also, at the right moment each joint has to be stabilized to allow transfer of energy between segments and to allow optimal muscles activation as well as to protect the joint. (see above joint as action center).

Optimal stability help us avoid introducing other movement directions than the intended direction.

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